Category: student’s tasks
Sky Atlas by Zofia Gala
Despite technological progress and space exploration achievements since then, the sky remains a mysterious entity, somewhat isolated from the rest of the landscape for most of us. When we look at the clouds, we don’t see climate changes, nor can we identify our position in space. The sky appears to be a static and transparent…
Generative Reflection
The tool has a simple instruction included within the tool itself. To use it, you’ll need a dice, an app with dice, or roll a dice in your web browser: This allows you to obtain up to 36 five-minute self-reflective exercises, with an element of curiosity about how the exercise will look when you…
Raw materials analysis
Neglected Materials Conduct its analysis, concentrating on its smell, texture, and approximate appearance. Imagine it as the primary material for your works. Consider how it would change their atmosphere, form, and how you could play with it. – Select a raw material that you typically overlook in your daily life. It could be soil, sand,…
Naturally Shaped Form
Designing is the designer’s attitude towards the social and material environment. One of its fundamental goals is to make life happy. Therefore, it is also the organization of feelings, and in any case, influencing feelings. A. Pawłowski, Man — Environment. Initiations, ed. cited, p. 61–62. Our exercises are inspired by a quote from Andrzej Pawłowski’s…
Instructions Before starting, prepare a sheet of paper and a pen in a comfortable place within your reach. Sit down and take three very slow breaths while focusing all your attention on this activity. Now, take the writing tool in your hand. The key to this exercise is to cover or close your eyes and…
Active Listening
So, what are the types of listening? What is active listening? Active listening is the practice of listening to understand what someone is saying. When you practice active listening, you focus solely on what the other person is saying, rather than planning what to say in response, as you might do in a debate or…