Author: Agnieszka Karpa
Naturally Shaped Form
Designing is the designer’s attitude towards the social and material environment. One of its fundamental goals is to make life happy. Therefore, it is also the organization of feelings, and in any case, influencing feelings. A. Pawłowski, Man — Environment. Initiations, ed. cited, p. 61–62. Our exercises are inspired by a quote from Andrzej Pawłowski’s…
Active Listening
So, what are the types of listening? What is active listening? Active listening is the practice of listening to understand what someone is saying. When you practice active listening, you focus solely on what the other person is saying, rather than planning what to say in response, as you might do in a debate or…
Aest-Ethical Compass of Post-Artistic Self-Organisation
The aim of my self-reflection is not to write down a set of “good practices” or to codify the tenets embraced in post-artistic circles. I consider such endeavours entirely pointless: hot air like that is usually written with various funders or para-governmental bodies in mind. It is either window dressing or an attempt to subjugate…
This might be because artists’ anti-fascist efforts cannot easily be classified as mainstream art. They are also much harder to capitalise, like any creative act that is not only aesthetic but also openly political in nature. Anti-fascism is also not compatible with what we can find in textbooks and anthologies describing art as a history…
Art (of Earth) in times of planetary change
Never before has time flown so fast. Processes that once spanned millions of years now unfold within mere decades. In 1947, Isamu Noguchi proposed the construction of Memorial to Man in the desert, a vast land-based work of art, a colossal relief resembling a human face, visible from space. This monolith was intended to stand…