Prepare paper and a pen, and reach for the first thing to your right. Cut the paper into four pieces. Arrange all the items in front of you.

Sit comfortably and play the recording (the recording is only available in Polish)

Author: Aleksander Steblik


Bring one sheet of paper closer to you and take a pen. Listen carefully. Write down one association describing the object you chose, it doesn’t have to be complicated. 10-second pause Then take the rest of the sheets and write one word on each of them describing this association, they can be simple. This exercise is about a chain of thought. Don’t worry if the words seem trivial. brief silence Prepare three sheets from the previous activity. You will soon hear a sound, signaling the end of each task. sound Take the sheet with the first word describing the association, you have one minute to draw that word. The drawing can be simplified. Time starts now. one minute passes sound Set aside the first sheet and take the next one. Repeat the previous task. Start. one minute passes sound Take the last one and do the same. Begin. one minute passes sound Spread all the sheets in front of you. Choose one drawing that you like the most. Try to specify why it caught your attention. It can be anything, e.g., I like its shape/form, I drew it awkwardly but it amused me. Think about the emotions this drawing evokes in you. Define them. Remember, negative emotions are not always bad. They are an important factor for change. Just like positive emotions can drive us to action, negative ones can also be turned into something good. If you want to keep these emotions, keep the drawing. If not, do what you want with it.